Published on: 28 January 2025
On Tuesday 28 January 2025 Akademia celebrated the official launch of their prestigious BCom (Accounting) programme at the Alpine Attitude Boutique Hotel in Pretoria.
This programme, which falls within the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, will celebrate its first intake of students via the institution’s after-hours distance model. Moreover, this programme has full accreditation by the Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA) – an international professional body.
The launch event follows the news about this addition to the faculties’ offer* in the accounting field was announced in November 2024. At that stage, the programme was still subject to a strict accreditation process by the ACCA. The latter represents one of the two professional bodies that is accredited by The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) in South Africa. According to Dr Rachel Maritz, dean of the faculty, the new programme is an achievement for Akademia as well as the labour market because it paves the way for graduates to strive for the title of chartered certified accountant.
“The addition of the BCom (Accounting) programme to the institution’s existing range of programmes represents a big highlight in the development journey of the faculty,” says Maritz. She adds that well-rounded graduates with specialist knowledge in accounting, management accounting, financial management, taxation and auditing will consequently make a positive and future-oriented difference in the workplace. In addition to this, accreditation by the ACCA will equip the faculty to train future chartered certified accountants or registered auditors locally to also be relevant internationally.
According to Mareka Chabedi, ACCA Educational Manager, this professional body welcomes the inclusion of Akademia into its international network than spans over more than 180 countries. He believes that the institutions accreditation status from the ACCA is a reflection of the programme’s world class quality and outstanding standard. “We look forward to strengthening the hands of Akademia’s academics so that they can equip future chartered certified accountants and registered auditors,” Chabedi concludes.
Visit Akademia’s web page for more information if you are interested in qualifying and distinguishing yourself in the financial world. Study application for the 2025 academic year closes on 31 January
*The faculty has an extensive offer in the accounting field, including programmes in BCom (Financial and Management Accounting), BCom (Management Accounting), postgraduate diplomas in Management Accounting and Taxation as well as a Higher Certificate in Accounting.
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