Published on: 21 January 2025
The new year has just left the starting blocks, and it is already clear that 2025 is going to be a big year in a lot of respects. For the matric class of 2024 who recently received their results, this year represents a directional milestone in their future journey. The same can be said for the learners that are starting their grade ten year and who must make important subject choices with regards to their future. This group will, if all goes well, set foot on Academia’s new word-class campus in Pretoria in 2028 as first-year students.
Six months after the launch of Akademia’s campus dream, and the partnership with estate development company, Kanton, this monumental development project – that makes provision for 5 000 full-time undergraduate students and about 1 500 postgraduate students – has gained good momentum. According to Henk Schalekamp, managing director for Kanton, the following three years are crucial, with 2025 as an important starting point.
There are especially three areas of priority that need attention this year, namely design development, mass earthworks and the raising of capital. The latter raising of capital by means of the Future Builder Campaign (Toekomsbouerveldtog) will pave the way for the construction phase that will start in 2026.
Schalekamp explains that Kanton has been working on this development project full-time since 2019, and that the first five years were mainly used to meet all the development conditions. In addition to this, the urban and aesthetic design of the campus had to be finalised.
Herewith a short outline of the areas of priority for 2025:
Design development
Schalekamp mentions that the design development represents the phase during which the concept design is worked out in finer detail to get the project ready for construction. During this phase Kanton, together with the competent professional design team, must ensure that each element from the lecture halls to the provided recreation areas both aesthetically and functionally match the vision of the campus. This interaction will help to minimise future challenges during the construction process. “This phase compares well with the metaphor of a woodchopper that first has to sharpen his axe well before he starts to cut down a tree,” describes Schalekamp.
Mass earthworks
Mass earthworks is one of the first and most critical activities during the development of any building project. In the case of the Akademia campus it consists of earthmoving, levelling and the stabilisation of the terrain in preparation of the envisioned development of the picturesque landscape in the east of Pretoria. According to Schalekamp these activities lay the foundation for a successful construction phase and will be executed with great care and accuracy.
Raising of capital
According to Schalekamp Kanton has enough funds to cover the expenses of the design development and the mass earthworks during 2025, but the raising of capital will be critical for the commencement of the construction phase that will start in 2026. He explains that the capital for this project will mainly be sourced from investments and donations from the community. Considering this, Kanton will provide the broader community with the opportunity to get involved by means of financing and investment opportunities.
“We are currently in a private capital recruitment phase, but during the month of May there will be an opportunity for the larger community to invest in the project. This investment will ensure more than just a mere financial return; it will also create a cultural dividend,” says Schalekamp. He explains that the future of Afrikaans higher education will be ensured and built in this manner by community involvement. “Each rand will help to build a future where Fonties (students that study at Akademia) will be enabled to fulfil their potential in their mother tongue and in this manner leave a legacy for future generations. By doing so Kanton forges a continued partnership between culture and capital,” says Schalekamp.
Interested parties can also contribute by means of the Akademia endowment fund to fund non-commercial facilities and infrastructure elements – and therefore do not constitute an investment opportunity. Such examples include the auditorium and pavilions on the sport grounds for instance. These facilities are needed to ensure the enablement of the full extent of activities on the campus. Schalekamp explains that Akademia, as a community institution without profit, is dependent on donations to build and develop the institution further to become an even bigger force in Afrikaans higher education.
“If Akademia and Kanton stays true and disciplined on the road to development during 2025, it will have a significant impact on 2026 and 2027 and the accompanying development phases. This is truly a watershed year and even if we must climb a steep hill, we will tackle it in faith with the trust that this dream will ignite the Afrikaans language and cultural communities’ imagination and their sense of vocation to become involved. In this manner we will be able to open a brand-new campus for our matric class of 2027 where they will purposefully meet the future,” says Schalekamp. He concludes by saying that it is his heart’s desire to see how the community, Akademia and Kanton bravely stand together in 2025 to build a legacy that will shape both the mind and the heart with a view to a free future for generations to come.
Become a future builder and become part of this powerful story of hope.
A world-class campus in the making. The architectural representation offers an outline of how the new Akademia campus will look.
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