Akademia aims to establish a comprehensive residential campus by 2028. This campus will also cater for 5,000 full-time undergraduate students and nearly 1,500 postgraduate students. Four men’s and four women’s residences will accommodate 1,500 students on campus. The development will be located in Pretoria, eight kilometres from Solomon Mahlangu Drive on the Boschkop Road in the east of Pretoria. The new campus offers Akademia the opportunity to make available a complete and extensive academic programme offering across all its faculties that will meet the comprehensive demand of prospective students. These include office blocks, lecture halls, laboratories, an auditorium, dedicated research halls, a cafeteria, restaurants, coffee shops, a student centre, library, residences, staff accommodation and world-class sports facilities for rugby, cricket, netball, tennis, athletics, hockey, swimming, including indoor sports. This project is the largest development project in the history of Afrikaans language and cultural communities and represents a significant historical turning point to ensure the sustainability of higher education in Afrikaans. Dream together by becoming a future builder (toekomsbouer) and follow the progress of this great project at www.toekomsbouer.co.za.
Akademia aims to expand the full-time campus model to the Western Cape by 2026. The institution already has a presence in the Western Cape by means of the centres in George, Paarl and Somerset West. These centres are used by students that study via the after-hours distance model. The expansion to the Western Cape will strengthen and expand the existing network. The proposed campus will give students access to Akademia’s five dynamic faculties, as well as its vibrant student life. The new satellite campus will probably be in the Paarl area. Tony van der Merwe has already been appointed as the operations manager for the Western Cape and negotiations for a suitable campus are already on an advanced level. An announcement in this regard will be made soon. In the meantime, hard work is being done to meet the proposed infrastructure and capacity needs. More exciting news is that Prof. Gawie du Toit, that is currently the dean of the Faculty of Education at Akademia will be of service as the head of the Western Cape campus. With regard to student numbers, this campus will start with about 1 500 students. It is further provided that almost thirteen programmes will be presented over Akademia’s existing faculties and students will have a choice between the institution’s after-hours distance model or the full-time campus model. Read more here.
The successful after-hours distance model is in full swing, and the aim is to double the student numbers by 2025. This model has been proven time and time again to be unique and particularly effective in the past decade, as seen, among other things, in the seamless continuation of academic activities during the initial Covid-19 restrictions. From 2021, students are offered an additional e-learning option to receive quality education from anywhere in the world.
Click here for more information on the after-hours distance model
Akademia plans to offer qualifications in the following faculties in 2026/2027:
This faculty is currently Akademia’s largest faculty and is the home of ten qualifications in 2021. Development is taking place to offer a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). The dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences is Dr Rachel Maritz.
This faculty’s first programme, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching), has been offered on the after-hours distance model since 2021. BEd (Foundation Phase Teaching) and BEd (Intermediate Phase Teaching) are the most recent additions to the faculty. The two programmes have been offered full time on the Centurion Campus since 2022. All three programmes are professional teaching programmes that will make registration at the South African Council for Educators possible upon completion. The development of various postgraduate professional and academic programmes up to doctoral level is in the pipeline. The dean of the Faculty of Education is Prof. Gawie du Toit.
Akademia’s first qualification in this faculty, BSocSci (Politics, Philosophy and Economics), is still going strong and the first graduates were delivered in 2022. A second qualification in this faculty, BA (Communication and Journalism), has been offered since 2021. Further development takes place to add qualifications such as BA (Language Studies), BA (General), BA (Cultural Sciences) as well as BAHons (Media and Communication), BSocSciHons with specialisation in Politics or Global Politics and BSocSciHons (Philosophy). The dean of the Faculty of Humanities is Prof. Pieter Duvenage.
Akademia is working unabatedly on the accreditation process to be able to offer BNur (Nursing).
A Diploma in Optical Dispensing and a BOptom (Bachelor’s Degree in Optometry) are also being developed.
The first programme in this faculty, BSc (Mathematical Sciences), has welcomed students since 2021. BSc (Computer Sciences) has also been offered on the Centurion Campus since 2023. Further expansions in this faculty will take place with programmes in BSc (Data Sciences), BSc (Physical Sciences), BSc (Biological Sciences) and BAgric (Agriculture). Postgraduate programmes in Computer Sciences and Mathematical Sciences are in the pipeline. The acting dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences is Prof. Gawie du Toit.
Akademia’s BCom (Economics and Law) qualification is already well established as well as an LLB qualification on the after-hours distance model since 2020. From 2023, LLB is also be offered on the full-time campus model. Development is currently underway to add a Higher Certificate in Labour Law, BA (Law) and LLM. The dean of the Faculty of Law is Prof. Hermie Coetzee.
Akademia intends to offer the following qualifications in engineering in 2026:
BEng (Electrical Engineering)
BEng (Electronic Engineering)
Akademia is working tirelessly on the development of a four-year degree in BDiv (Theology).
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