Akademia is a Christian, classical and independent higher education institution from and for the Afrikaans language and cultural community. The institution strives to be an academic home where both the mind and heart are shaped with a view to a free future. With two teaching-learning models, five faculties, various programmes and an exciting student life, Akademia is your Afrikaans study home.
Our heritage – both our Christian faith and our unique culture and values – is our anchor and guide.
The teaching and education enable students to be internationally relevant and to play a significant role in local communities.
Akademia offers two models: an after-hours distance model and a full-time campus model.
Akademia NPO (Company Registration Number: 2005/024616/08) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a higher education institution in terms of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 • Registration number: 2011/HE08/005 | © Copyright 2025 – Akademia – All Rights Reserved
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